
Wednesday, May 08, 2024

The Missing Link ...


I luckily found this link a few years ago from one fan page of THE SIX MILLION DOLLAR MAN.  Since then on, I have visited the link very often to watch the serials, both The 6MDM and The Bionic Woman. I have watched The 6MDM more often of course. 😉 When I am a fan of one movie, I will never get bored to watch it again and again, you know.

However, a few days ago, the link above did not provide any movie anymore. 😟😐

I was broken-hearted, of course, but I thought I would be okay. I have watched most of the episodes. except the episodes entitled DEATH PROBE. To me, the story line was really impossible. 😁 

However, in fact, I have missed to watch those episodes again. Hiksss ... especially one most favorite one entitled WINE, WOMEN, AND WAR. Lee looked his best in this episode, in my opinion. 😍😍😍

I will keep the following link. After finding it, I don't have much time to finish watching it.

MS48 16.52 08/05/2024

watch another 

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