
Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Go Blogging?


Some time ago, a workmate showed her surprise knowing that I (still) go blogging. She said that she used to write on blogs too. I am not sure how long ago she did that.


"Do you think there are still people who come to visit your blogs?" she asked further.


Meanwhile, when I was in Jakarta to attend a training, two people 'caught me in the act' while scribbling something on blog, and asked me, "What are you writing?" they thought I was doing the homework given by the trainers, lol. So I told them that I wrote on my blog. They showed their interest!


"Wow! I always want to go blogging! But I don't know yet how to start, and what to write!" 


Interesting, isn't it? And of course, I still find some people visiting my blogs. Hopefully some writings of mine broaden their mind and give them some fun. 😊




Well, in the beginning of blogging, I had two reasons: (1) to share what I have in mind, especially things related to women empowerment, gender, religiosity, and stuff like that. (2) to release anxiety I have seeing the unfair treatment toward women. Furthermore, I started writing about my daily activities.


Recently, I think there are more and more people doing more mainstream things: sharing things via tiktok or podcast. I am of opinion that I don't need to follow those mainstreams. Not yet. I still choose to write on blogs. I can say that this time, I have only one reason for blogging: the second reason. When writing THE YELLOW WALLPAPER, Charlotte Perkins Gilman stated that she wrote to cure her own mental illness while also to expose an idea how wrong the society at that time viewed mental illness.


I have to write things that crowd my mind.  Besides, when writing about my journey, I want to easily remember when and where and how I visit some places in the future. As I get old, I easily forget things. Lol.


MS48 19.55 23/07/2024


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