
Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Blogging ...

I have been blogging since 2005 although I started 'more serious' in blogging a year afterwards, 2006. 

Since I was still 'hot' on my own 'awakening' -- feminist ideology -- I named my blog 'a feminist blog'. Very couragous. Very feminist. :-D I proudly claimed myself as a feminist. Feminist way of thinking was the one and only solution of all women's problems. :-P

It happened for some years ... let's say one or two years after 2006. 

Easily feeling bored -- I recognized this as one 'weakness' of my characters (or even 'challenging' character? to challenge myself in anything? :-P) -- I started writing about any other topics, let's say spirituality and education. As a teacher of course I cannot get rid myself of educational topic. But still, feminism was still strongly lingering in my blog posts. :)

Teaching in one so-called international school in my hometown made me a lot busier than before so starting the middle of 2008, I could not spend more time blogging. When I spare time writing for blogs, it is usually related to my teaching activities. 

And ... just TODAY I realized that name 'a feminist blog' seems not appropriate any longer for this 'formal' blog (in English) of mine. :-D 

And, again, just TODAY I had a thought to change the name of my blog. Since I think that my name 'nana podungge' is quite well-known in blogging world of Indonesia (ge-errrrr yo ben :-P ) I decided to change it into 'nana podungge's simple thought'. YAY!


Welcome to my blog, guys. Have a seat. Prepare your own cup of coffee or tea or any other favorite drink of yours. Enjoy your reading! :)

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I am still an acclaimed feminist, by the way. :-)

Some comment from next door site :)

rembulanku wrote on May 16
mbak, minta es teh nya dong

pokoke tetep mbak Nana :D
afemaleguest wrote on May 24
adanya air putih La, mau?
rudal2008 wrote on May 16
Segera meluncur kesana.
afemaleguest wrote on May 24
dengan senang hati kuterima kunjungannya ^^
srisariningdiyah wrote on May 16
aku mau teh ajaaaa
afemaleguest wrote on May 24
teh nasgitel huenaaaakkkk
rengganiez wrote on May 16
camilannya mana??
afemaleguest wrote on May 24
jajan pasar adanya di pasar tradisional Jeng ^^
dinantonia wrote on May 16
bikin class blog juga, mbak, utk share strategi/bahan/sekadar experience ngajar :D
afemaleguest wrote on May 24
kalo untuk strategi ngajar, aku kurang tertarik, tapi kalau share pengalaman ngajar, kuberi label "teaching" atau "mengajar" , bukan blog tersendiri :-)
anotherorion wrote on May 17
onit wrote on May 17
kopi susu ^^

eh seingetku ada blog yg afemaleguest blogspot bukan? ternyata yg afeministblog lebih berkembang yah

(gak ge-er mbak, dah bertaon2 dulu aku nemu nana podungge di mana2 hihihi)
afemaleguest wrote on May 24
sebelum bikin blog di blogspot aku bikin di

sejak 2009 udah jarang ku-update, meski kadang dapat email dari "teman blog" disana kapan aku balik online lagi, bahkan seorang kenalan dari India mempertanyakan my well-being, kali karena "kevokalanku" menyuarakan kesetaraan jender di Indonesia aku kena cekal pemerintah :-D
martoart wrote on May 24
FPI, Feminist Podungge Indonesia
afemaleguest wrote on May 24
Kang Marto,
FPI yang ini hoax! :-D
afemaleguest wrote on May 24
dengan senang hati kuterima kunjungannya ^^
afemaleguest wrote on May 24
teh nasgitel huenaaaakkkk

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