I easily got attracted to this diction I found in one poem written by JokPin. The title of the poem is "Kesepian Kita". You can find it in JokPin's book called SALAH PIKNIK.
I'll quote the most intriguing sentences below:
"Dalam bukunya DIGITALISASI KESEPIAN, Dobosky menyatakan bahwa penetrasi teknologi informasi dan komunikasi, yang diikuti dengan digitalisasi dalam berbagai bidang, telah memicu lahirnya pseudokesepian. Penyebab utama pseudokesepian ialah adiksi yang berlebihan terhadap hasrat berkomunikasi, berinteraksi, dan menampilkan citra diri.
Kondisi adiktif ini kemudian menciptakan keringkihan dan kelesuan mental. Manusia mudah merasa fana manakala hasratnya itu tidak mendapatkan penyaluran, pemenuhan, dan respons seperti yang dibayangkan dan diharapkan." (Salah Piknik, hal. 69 - 70)
And just like that, I remember the time when I spent hours a day to go online on facebook. I am of opinion that I used to be addicted to it. No wonder many people accuse those who are addicted to social medias to show off are lonely people: they are craving to exist, to get people's attention and responses.
"How could you easily leave facebook just like that?" mamas asked me this question several times.
Well, I suppose the addiction finally made me fed up, triggered by other people's nonsensical and boring show offs.
Amaris Pancoran, 20.20 25062024
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