
Monday, September 18, 2023

Midlife Crisis


This morning I accidentally stumbled to this old post of mine. I wrote it 17 years ago and I was less than 40 years. Still very young, I suppose, lol. In this writing of mine, I would write what I questioned myself back then.


By the way, when browsing pictures of 'second puberty' to be inserted in that post, I came to this link, and I was interested in the article. It says that people may start having their second puberty at 20s. They may experience psychological and emotional changes, reach the peak of their bone mass and muscle strength. Second puberty at 30s will make people undergo bone and muscle strength decrease, and less fertile than when they are at 20s. People of 40 years of age and above will get natural aging process.


This is interesting because I even think that I reached the peak of my bone mass and muscle strength in my mid 30s when I was diligent to do workout -- I did some jogging too when I was at my 20s but no swimming or workout at gym yet -- I joined one fitness center where I did my workout regularly every day.


When reaching the age of 40s, my health was also at my peak, so I thought, because I did a lot of biking. As far as I remember I started feeling degeneration in my body when nearing 50s. This makes sense, do you agree?


Now, going back to what I wrote in my old post.


Well, the term 'second puberty' is more popular here in Indonesia than 'midlife crisis' while in fact what I described in that post referred to midlife crisis: people who somewhat lose their confidence that they are good-looking and still attractive to be seen by others.


Luckily (or 'unluckily'?) when I reached the age of 40s, I was already active in social medias besides blogs. As other users, I used the social medias to expose my narcissism, lol, either I posted pictures or I posted my writings, to 'show off' my way of thinking which some people say is far from thecway Indonesian people think. Flirting people online was more acceptable than what my ex private students did, as I wrote in the post. Hahahahah …


I am of opinion that midlife crises are kind of psychological problems, whatever the cause is. Psychological problems, in my humble opinion, can be solved by, let's say, confiding in someone (or some ones?) In 2006 -2010 the universe sent someone to my life -- my Abang that I dubbed as my 'Guardian Angel'. I was at the brink of my divorce back then and I had to get away from my ex safely. I really needed someone to talk to, someone who would listen to me whole-heartedly. Besides, as I sometimes write anywhere in my blogs that writing is curing, I write both for public and for myself.


Until now my Abang and I are still in contact, but I no longer have that need to talk to him 24 hours a day, lol. I am an adult now. hahahahaha ... 


MS48 17.56 18.09.2023


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