
Saturday, February 21, 2009

That incompleteness ...


“Kita memang tak pernah tahu apa yang dirindukan sampai sesuatu itu tiba di depan mata. Kita tak pernah menyadari ketidaklengkapan hingga bersua dengan kepingan diri yang tersesat dalam ruang waktu. (AKAR, hal. 1)

Antara seorang Nana dengan beberapa kekasihnya:
  • Yang pertama, and the most important adalah kehadiran my Lovely Star dalam hidupku. Tak pernah kuberpikir bahwa hidupku tidaklah akan lengkap tanpanya. (Ehem ... aku ga bermaksud merayu Angie, LOL, but of course she is the biggest blessing I have ever got so far from the Almighty.)
  • Bahwa pendidikan yang kucapai selama ini telah begitu membuatku menjadi seorang Nana yang sekarang ini. I would not be this creature without my education, my own readings, swallowing them, to awaken myself, as well as the bitter experience in my past, complete with my Lovely Star’s existence.
  • My best friends: Yulia, Julie, and Yuli, plus my Abang who have decorated my life. Especially my Abang, with whom I have had lotsa discussion about my being feminist, my being ‘a woman’.
  • Jurnal Perempuan (and some other scientific journals) for supplying worth readings to make me open my eyes and mind.
  • Blogosphere that has provided media for me to express my anxiety, anger, disappointment, unhappiness, love, excitement, including my being narcissistic. LOL.
  • B2w Semarang community that makes me aware that I miss to be a sociable creature, that I am a warm friend, that I am not always aloof and a recluse.

What am I gonna write in this post actually? Well, today I am bringing AKAR inside my backpack and opening it before starting typing this. My eyes directly found the two sentences I typed above, I underlined them with red ink; that is why they were outstandingly seen.

However, I am wondering when I happened to read the two sentences for the first time, did I really refer the ‘thing’ to the six items I mentioned above? LOL. I must refer to when I read them for the first time and trying to find out or recollect what or who occupied my mind then. 😉
LL Tbl 13.03 210209

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