
Thursday, March 27, 2008

In Service Training

I just finished attending IN SERVICE TRAINING held in my workplace. It was carried out for four days, from Monday, 24 March, until Thursday, 27 March, from 08.00 until 14.00. Guess what I can say from the training? It was sooooo exhausting!!! AHHHH....

For the background, the training was done for the teachers from two affiliates. (In Semarang, the English Course where I have been working since 1996, there are two affiliates. And to save time and minimize fund--maybe so LOL--the training for the teachers were held just once, given by one trainer coming from Jakarta.) And this time, my workplace became the host. So, the teachers from the other affilate came to my office.

Although it was exhausting (gosh, for around one and a half years, I haven't worked since morning, directly until evening--AN EXCUSE, LOL), it was FUN because the participants tried entertaining themselves by having lots of jokes. We really enjoyed each other.

I didn't take any picture during the training. However, my dearest sister-who happens to work in the other affiliate--took lots of pictures using her new digital camera. So? If you are curious to see how we enjoyed the training, I will post some pictures here next time I am back online.

What did I get from the training? One for sure is to meet more workmates--although they work for different affiliate. To get some new (but old LOL) techniques to be applied in the teaching learning process is an inevitable thing. And the most surprising thing is TO GET ADDITIONAL INCOME. Huehehehehe ... (I can buy a new pair of boots probably. :))

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