Masih tentang musim ujian skripsi di kampus. :)
Di luar ruang ujian, kulihat banyak mahasiswa yang tidak sedang/akan ujian duduk-duduk di kursi tunggu, maupun nongkrong di tangga. Kata mereka ketika kutanya ngapain di kampus meskipun tidak ujian, "Lah, berbagi rasa dengan yang sedang ujian dong Ma'am, agar mereka tidak begitu nervous kalo ada teman untuk berbagi rasa." cie ... setia kawan, begitu yah maksudnya. Baguslah. :)
Ada juga beberapa mahasiswa yang sudah married ditungguin suami atau pun istri mereka. Untuk memberi dukungan, spirit, dan sebangsanya itulah. :-D
Again, jadi ingat waktu aku ujian tesis 23 Desember tahun lalu. Kebetulan jadual ujianku bareng dengan Julie, my soul mate sewaktu kuliah di Yogya itu. :-D (I honored her with that term--'soul mate'--coz she always patiently listened to my grumbles as well as interesting experience I underwent during the study in Yogya. Sebenarnya tesisku udah kelar duluan dibanding Julie, dosen pembimbing udah approved duluan, tapi sebagai a good soul mate, aku nungguin Julie untuk daftar ujian tesisnya. :-D Dan, keinginanku terwujud, kita ujian tesis on the same day. Julie ujian jam 8-10, aku jam 10-12.
Waktu ujian itu, di sekitar ruang ujian, I didn't find anybody. I came around 09.30. When bu Ida (FYI, Julie and I had the same advisors, pak Bakdi Soemanto as the first advisor, and bu Ida Rohani as the second advisor) went out to go to the restroom, and found me sitting all alone in the hall, she asked me,
"Kok sepi?"
"Iya Ma'am, memang sepi," jawabku sambil ikut celingukan, ga ngerti maksud pertanyaan bu Ida.
"Lah, I heard that both of you and Julie are already married?" she wanted to know.
"Yes, we are already married. So...?"
"Where are your husbands? Why aren't they here to give you support?"
"Oh well, Ma'am, they are busy doing their affair in Semarang, and we are busy with our own affair here. Why should we bother them?" Very diplomatic of me, huh? Very tricky of me to hide what I needed to hide. LOL. LOL.
Some days after that, at pak Bakdi's house.
He asked us who prepared the snacks for the examiners on the examination. "We did it ourselves." I told him.
"Really independent, huh?" he teased us.
"Yes we are, Sir!" LOL.
FBS UA 180906
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