
Thursday, August 31, 2006

In Her Shoes



Film ini berkisah tentang hubungan dua kakak adik, Rose Feller diperankan oleh Toni Collette dan Maggie Feller diperankan oleh Cameron Diaz. Kedua kakak adik ini memiliki sifat yang saling bertentangan, Rose, si pengacara, adalah seorang pekerja keras, cerdas, penyendiri, pemalu, tidak populer, sehingga sangat wajar kalau dia tidak memiliki pengalaman berpacaran yang cukup. Maggie, sang adik, seorang blonde yang tidak cerdas, unemployed, sehingga menggantungkan hidupnya kepada kakaknya, karena ibu tiri mereka tidak menyukai kehadiran mereka berdua di rumah. Kebalikan dari Rose, Maggie adalah seorang yang sociable, dan memiliki banyak pacar.


Satu kesamaan dari kedua kakak beradik ini, ukuran sepatu yang sama. Rose, si pekerja keras memiliki koleksi sepatu cute dan sexy yang lumayan banyak. Namun karena dia adalah seorang pemalu, sangat jarang dia memakai sepatu-sepatu tersebut, dan hanya menyimpannya di lemari dengan rapi. Maggie, mengetahui Rose memiliki koleksi sepatu yang sangat attractive tersebut, diam-diam sering meminjam sepatu-sepatu tersebut. :)




Hubungan mereka memburuk ketika satu malam Rose menangkap basah Maggie sedang bercinta dengan laki-laki yang ditaksir Rose. Rose mengusir Maggie dari rumahnya.


Namun, meskipun mereka saling marah dan mengumpat, they are still sisters who love each other, who care for the other's well-being.


Hubungan mereka membaik kembali atas bantuan sang nenek yang tanpa sengaja mereka 'temukan' kembali setelah 'menghilang' bertahun-tahun.


Dua touching scenes menurutku. Pertama ketika Maggie membacakan sebuah puisi tentang "Losing someone..." untuk seorang penghuni panti jompo, a very touching poem. Yang kedua, ketika Maggie membacakan puisi "I Carry Your Heart" milik EE Cummings. Very touching!!!


JDC 20.25 310806


Saturday, August 26, 2006

Victorian funeral joke

Dari blog teman di

"The Rev. Charles Spurgeon departed for heaven at 6:30am today."
Underneath on the chapel door some wit had written -
"10:45am. Not arrived yet.
Getting anxious. Peter"


Friday, August 25, 2006

Pengen ...

Pengen nulis sesuatu tentang pekerjaanku, "I Love My Job", but entah kok kata-kata tidak bisa mengalir lancar. (Tadi judul udah kutulis, kalimat pembuka juga udah tertulis beberapa, but then STOPPED.)
Pengen nulis sesuatu tentang my only Abang, but juga mengalami hal yang sama. MANDEG di otak, ato di hati. LOL.
Pengen baca-baca postingan teman-temanku di, but kok entah kemana nih mood-ku. :(
Pengen chat dengan abangku tersayang, but he seems not to be online at the moment. :( (abis baca email balesan dia yang bikin aku ketawa ngakak ... kak ... kak ... huahuahahahahaha ...) Seperti my 'hunk' yang telah menghiasi hidupku dan membuatnya menjadi jauh lebih berwarna selama dua tahun ini, abangku juga begitu.
Dia bilang dia strict and ga sabaran, tapi aduhhhhhhhhhh ... dia lucu sekali, tiap kali chat selalu bikin aku ketawa ngakak. Tapi aku memang bisa ngerasain dari chat kita (gimana tuh cara ngerasainnya Na? LOL) kalo dia strict. Padahal dia hadir dalam hidupku barusan juga, baru tanggal 12 Agustus 2006 yang lalu (tepat hari ultahku, euy! waktu aku dapat hadiah online gratis 3 jam di warnet langgananku). It means akan sangat mudah mengingat the first time my Abang came into my life. :D
Btw, komentar Abangku tentang aku sebut my loved one sebagai 'hunk', ("kamu nih Na,ada-ada aja!" katanya) huahahahaha ... mosok gitu aja aneh sih Bang? hahahaha ... sounds like teenagers yah? LOL.
Wah ... ternyata jadi juga aku nulis tentang my only Abang.
Udah ah ...

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Selasa, 15 Agustus 2006

Di kantor.
Seperti hari-hari terakhis ini, semenjak Angie masuk sekolah di SMA N 3 Semarang, aku langsung ke kantor setelah mengantar Angie ke sekolah. Namun, beda dengan hari-hair sebelum ini, biasanya aku cabut lagi sekitar jam 07.30 untuk ke Paradise Club, erobik maupun fitness, kali ini tidak. Aku tetap ngendon di kampus. NGENET. :)
Tapi, itu sebenarnya bukan tujuan utamaku. I want to escape something that I want to escape. Hhhh....
Seperti yang kukatakan pada Angie tadi malam, "Dalam hidup ini, akan selalu ada kekecewaan karena kita tidak mendapatkan apa yang kita inginkan. But don't worry, time will heal all wounds. Time will make us forget those disappointments. Even if we still remember that, time will make us forget the pain."
If only ...

Saturday, August 12, 2006

HAPPY BIRTHDAY for myself :)

Today, August 12, 2006 is my thirty ninth birthday. (Gosh, I am almost middle-aged, huh? LOL.)

Early in the morning, Angie greeted me, "Happy birthday, Mama. Hope you will have a long life and more blessings from God. bla bla bla ... up to you ..." LOL.

Then, my sisters, mom, and my brother living in Cirebon sent me a message. 

Around 07.30 I arrived in my workplace. Not many things to do, but on my birthday, I want to be all alone, and my workplace on Saturday is one good choice. LOL.

When checking my mailbox, I got some e-cards to greet me on my birthday, including a lovely testimonial from a friend via friendster. I am very touched. :)

Happy birthday, Nana. Hope all your dreams come true. Amin.

my graduation pic, from American Studies Graduate Program, 25 January 2006


Friday, August 11, 2006

Paradise Club

An email for him :)

Since Angie went to school at SMAN3 Semarang, I have gone to PARADISE CLUB fitness center earlier than before. The main reason is of course coz the location of the two places, SMAN 3 and PARADISE CLUB are not so far, in the same direction. (Compared to when Angie was still in junior high, SMPN 1 located on Jl. Ronggolawe). After dropping Angie at school, I directly go to PC so that I arrive there around 07.00. Since the aerobics starts at 07.30, I have some minutes to do some fitness first.
Paradise Club located at Jl. Utari no 1 Pondok Indraprasta consists of two floors. On the first floor, there is a canteen, the receptionist desk, the ‘living room’, and an area with some fitness equipment, such as stationed bicycles, and some other things. I don’t know the names. LOL. On the second floor, there is another area with some fitness equipment again. Some equipment are different from the ones on the first floor. There is another area for aerobics. It is separated from the fitness area with a door. Well, you know honey, we women love to wear ‘open’ and tight outfit when doing aerobics so it is understandable if we close the door. Men thinking that women are just sexual objects will ‘water’ if they can see us openly. LOL. Well, so far there is no lesbianism case yet. LOL.
Aha, it reminds me of Yulia’s comment when I told her that I am active again at PC fitness center. She said, “Instruktur erobic-nya pasti jadi gebetanmu kan?” LOL. Jokingly I replied, “If I am a lesbian, I have a crush on the instructor whose schedule is on Friday morning. LOL.” All aerobics instructors at PC are women.
Outside the building of PC, there are two tennis courts on the left side, and a swimming pool on the right side. Every month I pay Rp. 85.000,00 for the membership. I can come everyday, from Monday-Saturday for aerobics and fitness. On Sunday it is close except the swimming pool. Therefore on Sunday I go there for swimming only.
Among some members of PC that usually do fitness at the same time with me, around 07.00-07.30, one member attracts me. From a distance, her posture is like a guy. Therefore, I thought that the person was a guy. The way she walks is like the way guy walks too. However, when one day that person used one equipment close to me, I found out that her face was too sweet for a guy. And I didn’t think that that person is male-to-female transsexual. LOL. I started to recognize her breasts behind her loose T-shirt. (Oh, nosy Nana!!! LOL.) So, in fact, that person is female. Or at least, she has a female body. LOL.
It reminds me of one book I have. The title is Transseksualisme. (Since I bought this book, I have wanted to bring this book when we have a date and show it to you. LOL. Sampe sekarang belum kesampaian. LOL.) The writer stated that one characteristic of a female-to-male transsexual is ‘she’ has a posture like a guy. And to give people around a sign that in fact ‘she’ feels like a man, she walks like a man too. Also there is a tendency for her to cover her breasts so that people cannot recognize her as having female body.
Goodness, kok aku bener-bener jadi nosy gini yah? LOL. But, well, I am nosy this time only to you. LOL. I have never talked about it to anybody else. Since Julie moved to Malang, I don’t have a regular listener to my being nosy, except Angie. LOL. But under one note, if she is not busy with her study.
This morning when using one equipment for ‘climbing’ (there is no treadmill at PC ), I saw that person who has attracted me for some time using one equipment close to me. I don’t know how to call it honey. LOL. People say we can use this equipment to strengthen our biceps. When using it for one bicep, I can lift only around 10kgs. But I saw her lift about 30-40 kgs for one bicep. I was surprised to see that. LOL. She is very strong, eh? Do you know what came to my mind at that time? I asked myself, “How strong is she in bed?” LOL.
It reminded me of one case some years ago. I went swimming with Angie and her dad at PC too. When seeing me strong enough to swim around the pool many times, a guy asked Angie’s dad, “Your wife is strong, huh? Hmm … is she also strong in bed?” LOL. Oh nosy guy!!! LOL.
In fact I want to type something related to one topic offered by SUARA MERDEKA, “perempuan adalah makhluk yang suka nggosip”. But I don’t find the best sentence to start it yet. Do I often gossip in my emails to you honey? LOL. Do bloggers only gossip? LOL.
I will prepare myself to go to my workplace now honey.
See you Love.
PT56 12.37 090806

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

My statistics

My stats
Below is the statistics of my blog at One favorite blog of my own LOL.

Date Total Pageviews Total Visitors
08/08/06 44 10
08/07/06 68 30
08/06/06 80 33
08/05/06 100 32
08/04/06 77 41
08/03/06 84 27
08/02/06 57 22
08/01/06 374 35

Month Total Pageviews Total Visitors
July 2006 3428 1044
June 2006 2721 709
May 2006 2555 603
April 2006 577 273
March 2006 512 237
February 2006 176 95
January 2006 63 36
December 2005 3 3

Well, from the statistics, we can make a conclusion that I am getting more popular each month LOL. Of course I love to know that people love to READ ME.

Saturday, August 05, 2006

My blog stats

My blog statistics today, August 5, 2006

Date Total Pageviews Total Visitors
07/31/06 355 50
08/05/06 40 14
08/04/06 77 41
08/03/06 84 27
08/02/06 57 22
08/01/06 374 35

Saturday, August 5, 2006

I am at the cyber cafe, the usual place I visit when I don't go online at campus. :)
I have been here for about one and a half hour. 

This morning, I was not really busy coz I didn't have to take Angie to school. :) After praying Subuh, I sat in front of my beloved computer, typed a little in the diary there, while making myself busy messaging Angie in her campsite and also messaged a friend living quite far from Semarang.

16 May 2012

Then, I went to the fitness center, from 07.30 until 09.00. From there, I went to a VCD rental. I rented three VCDs: Series of Unfortunate Events, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, and In America. I planned to invite my students to watch them together.

Arriving home, I just enjoyed myself reading newspaper while listening to mp3. Sometimes I typed something in my computer.

At 2pm, I went to my workplace. I had one class, 14-16.00. I invited my students of Elementary Lever 2 to watch "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory". A week ago, we talked about this story coz the topic is about reading as one hobby. The lesson is also about introducing the students ideas about main charactes, setting time and place, theme, and also genres of books, such as detective stories, biography, novels, bla bla bla... My students seemed very enthusiastic when watching. :) For homework, i asked them to write the story of the movie using their own words. Plus, add their comments. :)

From my workplace, I went to this cyber cafe. I checked my mailboxes and blogs. I have posted some things in my blogs too.

Now? I will go home soon.
JDC 18.00 050806

While Angie is going camping ...

An email for him :-D

Morning darling,
(Oh well, I started writing this email at 06.00 Saturday August 5, 2006)
Angie is going camping at Bantir, Sumowono at the moment. She left on Friday August 4, 2006. Before leaving, she said, “Mom, tonight and tomorrow night you will sleep alone.” She sounded a bit jealous coz I could occupy the whole bed for myself. LOL. She used to do it often when I was still pursuing my study.
I responded, “Of course honey, I will occupy the whole bed, and all the bolsters and pillows for myself.” LOL.
She continued, “You must be naked when sleeping!” LOL.
My response was, “Well, as I told you honey. There was a research done in Japan proving that it is healthier for people to sleep naked. No tight rubber, such as in panties, or no tight bra stops the flow of the blood in the body. Research shows that naked people sleep well; and it means that they have enough rest, something that people need. Therefore, they can live a healthier life.”
If you still remember honey, some time ago, I sent you an email telling you that one night Angie caught me sleeping naked, and she criticized to me the following day. LOL. Some days after that, I read the result of that research in a newspaper, and I told Angie about it. 
Recently, when nobody is at home, my mom goes somewhere and so do my sisters, I am all alone at home, I love going around the house naked (from my bedroom to the bathroom, or to the dining room or to the kitchen). LOL. I am wondering why it feels so great. LOL.
According to the “legend”, Adam and Eve were sent down to this earth naked. They were naked too when they were in Heaven but they didn’t realize it. However, the legend also said after they were in the earth, they started to feel embarrassed to be naked. Consequently they started to cover their bodies using anything, such as leaves.
Therefore in the west, people say that the khuldi fruit (according to the ‘legend’ in Alquran) is the fruit of knowledge. Adam and Eve found out about their nakedness and feeling embarrassed after eating it. As a result, they developed the very beginning clothing ‘technology’.
And as we all know that babies are coming to this world naked. It shows that being naked is something natural. When it is something natural, why should people call it as embarrassment? Pornography?
Human beings’ brain develops in such a way and start to deny natural law?
It is no longer natural when people are naked. People are forced to feel embarrassed to do that. And people often consider other people insane who go around public places naked. And perhaps they will be arrested and jailed if the pornography bill is legalized into a pornography law.

PT56 06.49 050806

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Tuesday, August 1, 2006


What an amazing number!!! According to the statistics of my blog at, yesterday my blog was viewed by 50 people, and the page itself was viewed 355 times!!! Wow ... wow ... wow ... very amazing for me. :) And today, it has been viewed by 14 people, and the page was viewed 87 times!!! Ahat a number ...

I am wondering if my blog is becoming more and more popular? What made people eager to read the posts more and more despite not many comments I get? 

Oh well, I will paste the stat below:

Date Total Pageviews Total Visitors
07/31/06 355 50
08/01/06 87 14

Month Total Pageviews Total Visitors
July 2006 3073 994
June 2006 2721 709
May 2006 2555 603
April 2006 577 273
March 2006 512 237
February 2006 176 95
January 2006 63 36
December 2005 3 3

Well, really love to see it. :-D